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Marriage not what you expected?

And if you’re struggling in your marriage, it probably feels like no one is being loved and supported in the way they want to be.

Sister, even though you are hurting right now, here’s what I want you to know:

You can shift your marriage for the better, be fulfilled, and be a good Muslimah. 


It may feel hard to believe right now, but I promise that you - by changing the way you are showing up in your relationship and your life - you can change everything about how your marriage looks and feels.

I’ve worked with hundreds of women just like you, searching for a Muslim relationship coach who truly understands what it means to create a joyful Muslim marriage while serving Allah. Discover what they have - that there is hope, and you can have the relationship you truly want. 

Below you’ll find different ways we can work together, tailored to your unique needs. 




Considering divorce? 

If you’re feeling frustrated with your marriage, you’re in the right place - and you’re not alone.  Does this sound familiar?

Things have been challenging for so long now, it’s become almost impossible to connect with your husband. You’re finding yourself thinking, “Why did I marry this man?” Maybe you find yourself envying other women because their husbands make the romantic gestures you wish your husband would. 

Sometimes, it feels like you’re roommates. Mostly, you just feel lonely. 

You don’t want to break up your family, but you know things can’t stay like this. If you’re being honest with yourself, you know it’s hurting your kids, too. 



It’s time for a change, but at this point,
you’re not quite sure what that change needs to be (acknowledge hard work that it seems). 


Imagine how it would feel to:

  • Find more joy and fun in your life again - just for you?

  • Be truly supported in the way you want to be by your husband?

  • Get the passion back and know your husband feels as happy as you do in your marriage?

No more letting the kids hear you argue. No more silent treatment. No more frustrating fights over the same old thing.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not - and it shouldn’t. Shifting that perspective is why I do what I do, and I can’t wait to show you how good it really can get.


( And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your [hearts] . . .) (Qur'an 30:21)


Muslimah in Love · Group Coaching Program

No one likes to talk about their marriage struggles.

But lately? You feel like you’re living in a pressure cooker trying to hold it all together.

Between work and taking care of kids, your days are full and juggling so many responsibilities has taken a toll on you. The last thing you want to worry about at the end of the day is trying to connect with your husband who doesn’t understand you and your needs. You would love to take time for yourself, but it just doesn’t seem possible.

"This world is just temporary conveniences, and the best comfort in this world is a righteous women."


You married a good man. But sometimes, it’s hard to see the goodness that was so clear when you first met the man who would become your husband.

A confidential, safe space for sisters just like you, Muslimah in Love will provide the guidance and support you’ve been searching for.



Divorce Transition Coaching

When you’ve tried everything and there’s no fixing your marriage, you deserve to feel supported through that process. Divorce is an incredibly stressful time for a Muslimah, and it can be difficult for those around you to understand what you’re going through and why you made the choice you did.

I am here to provide a safe place for you to share how you’re feeling and help you rekindle the spark you may have lost along the way. It’s time to focus on you. What you love. What you need. It’s time to let go a little bit and become the woman you know you’re meant to be.